I enjoy writing my thoughts on a simple page with a freshly sharpened pencil in hand. Something about sitting in the open air with only the trees, sky, and soft earth around me seem to call out to my senses, and words quickly form in my mind. My imagination always seems to draw me back to the ocean's crested waves, ships in flight, and the salt spray teasing at my nose and eyes. So here is a sample of something I enjoy doing while everything around me seems to be at a stand-still. My poems seem a bit childish at times, but I enjoy the simple words, or even the simple rhythmic pattern that reach back to my childhood.
"Away or' the waves we sail,
With our ship bobbing up and down,
We'll stand at the bow looking over the rail,
The crashing of waves is our sound.
The lantern it gives us light,
The bright shining stars guide our way,
In the darkness we'll take our flight,
From the mossy earth off the bay.
With our sails full of wind,
And our mast standing firm,
We'll build our home on the sea.
We'll sing our sailing song,
And we'll take our home along.
That was more than encouraging! Loved it!!!! Thanks...
Wow! You are an amazing writer! Thank you for sharing your poems with us! By the way, I LOVE the picture on the front of your page! Looking forward to the many more posts of yours!
I love the both of you!!! And I love your posts, I am always excited to see a new post on your blog... meaning, Joy actually needs to start posting, ha, ha! :D
It's probably proof of my lack of poetic taste or knowledge, but poems like this with a simple rythm are the ones I enjoy most.
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