God is our refuge and our strength, in straits a present aid; therefore, although the earth remove, we will not be afraid... unto the ends of all the earth, wars into peace He turns: the bow He breaks the spear He cuts, in fire the chariot burns. Be still, and know that I am God!
"King's Arrow," is an incredible read. Douglas Bond reaches out to those who have an overwhelming love for reading, writing, poetry, the Word of God, and Musick. He builds his young character "Angus" to wander in his thoughts throughout the day, creating musick or poetry, but with one purpose in mind... to glorify God. Angus is constantly growing in the Scriptures, reading God's words, and men's words about Him. Angus, and his brother Duncan, are shadows of what any young man should strive to build his character after. Douglas Bond continually reminds the reader that "Duties are ours; events are God's!"
A great read! Love your blog!Keep it up!
Duties are ours, events are God's. I love it and use it often.
Yes, you do use it often Josh! Ha ha!
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