I was incredibly inspired the first time I heard Dr. Voddie Baucham speak... and ever since, I just can't stop myself from listening to his sermons. Voddie Baucham is a man of God, ready to tell you the facts, yet loving and ready to hear what you have to say. He has a growing family and is the pastor of "Grace Family Baptist Church," in Texas. A life-changing sermon that I would (and have for the past month) recommend is "The Children of Ceasar." Voddie Baucham captures what the Scriptures have to say about the "training up a child in the way he should go," and brings it to the "now and here" of our time. The number one question you get asked when your child finishes his last year in high school is, "Where is he going to college?" Dr. Voddie shows you verse by verse what the Bible has to say on these matters, causing you to see the truth with a capital T!
He is certainly "THE MAN :)"
We need more men of God to stand up and teach the truth and to cease from merely pleasing the listener, righteous or condemned. If only more men would consider that what we do today will reflect what Christianty will be in the next generation.
Oh my yes, Jonathan! I mean, you look at where Dr. Baucham started out, and you must truly see that God works in mysterious ways. His teenage Mom was a buddist, he got into so much trouble at school that he had to be transfered to an all-white school, and you know the rest. God is amazing!
Great point Jonathan, we need more men that are going to consider not only the here and now, but where their great-grandchildren will be spiritually. Oh, for a lineage like that of Jonathan Edwards, who had six generations of preachers come from his loins.
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