Dr. Daniel Michael, the follower of Christ and His covenant, the head of a growing family, and the mentor I most desperately need. Dr. Michael is the pastor of "Emmanuel Baptist Church," in Alabama. Sitting under his preaching, teaching, and guidance, either in the home or at the Lord's house, is teaching me daily to strive for Christ's glory and not my own. I find myself wandering daily, desiring to follow my own path, but as my Father and mentor, he tenderly brings me under his care and leads me back to the narrow path. I find in my Father's life that he has one goal, and one goal alone... to serve the one and only God, the Creator and foundation of this world. His desires are to bring me up following Christ in all I do, "teaching and admonishing" me. His first obligation is to care for his family, his second the Church. Every day I watch him grow stronger in the Almighty God, his prayer-life, his thirst for the Word, and his sorrow over his stumblings. Watching this "Chosen Light" go daily about the Master's work causes my heart to grieve over the fact that I spend my time so frivolously each day, desiring nothing but to serve the creation and not the Creator. My goal is to grow deeper in the fellowship with my Heavenly Father, and to uplift His name wherever I might be.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Dr. Voddie Baucham

I was incredibly inspired the first time I heard Dr. Voddie Baucham speak... and ever since, I just can't stop myself from listening to his sermons. Voddie Baucham is a man of God, ready to tell you the facts, yet loving and ready to hear what you have to say. He has a growing family and is the pastor of "Grace Family Baptist Church," in Texas. A life-changing sermon that I would (and have for the past month) recommend is "The Children of Ceasar." Voddie Baucham captures what the Scriptures have to say about the "training up a child in the way he should go," and brings it to the "now and here" of our time. The number one question you get asked when your child finishes his last year in high school is, "Where is he going to college?" Dr. Voddie shows you verse by verse what the Bible has to say on these matters, causing you to see the truth with a capital T!
Words for thought...

I enjoy writing my thoughts on a simple page with a freshly sharpened pencil in hand. Something about sitting in the open air with only the trees, sky, and soft earth around me seem to call out to my senses, and words quickly form in my mind. My imagination always seems to draw me back to the ocean's crested waves, ships in flight, and the salt spray teasing at my nose and eyes. So here is a sample of something I enjoy doing while everything around me seems to be at a stand-still. My poems seem a bit childish at times, but I enjoy the simple words, or even the simple rhythmic pattern that reach back to my childhood.
"Away or' the waves we sail,
With our ship bobbing up and down,
We'll stand at the bow looking over the rail,
The crashing of waves is our sound.
The lantern it gives us light,
The bright shining stars guide our way,
In the darkness we'll take our flight,
From the mossy earth off the bay.
With our sails full of wind,
And our mast standing firm,
We'll build our home on the sea.
We'll sing our sailing song,
And we'll take our home along.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
"Let fly-- in the name of God!"

God is our refuge and our strength, in straits a present aid; therefore, although the earth remove, we will not be afraid... unto the ends of all the earth, wars into peace He turns: the bow He breaks the spear He cuts, in fire the chariot burns. Be still, and know that I am God!
"King's Arrow," is an incredible read. Douglas Bond reaches out to those who have an overwhelming love for reading, writing, poetry, the Word of God, and Musick. He builds his young character "Angus" to wander in his thoughts throughout the day, creating musick or poetry, but with one purpose in mind... to glorify God. Angus is constantly growing in the Scriptures, reading God's words, and men's words about Him. Angus, and his brother Duncan, are shadows of what any young man should strive to build his character after. Douglas Bond continually reminds the reader that "Duties are ours; events are God's!"
Bondage (Historical Fiction)

"Bondage," from the "The Chosen Light" series, is the title of the book I am currently writing. The time period is 1571 B.C. My book is about the life of a young teenage girl and her family living in bondage to the king of Egypt. This story goes through the hard times of the life of the Israelites, and what became of their imprisonment.
The Writer's Tools

The love of the writer is not the crowds, nor the fame from a published book, but the scent of the page, the wood that is held in ones fingers, or the smell of strong ink creating small thoughts and words into vast oceans of pages. --Briar Frost
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