Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hard Rock Layers Bending, Not Breaking!

This is just one more out of many evidences so consistent with the young earth belief.

There are numerous places in which we find layers of rock that are sometimes thousands of feet thick -- yet these thick layers of rock are bent and folded into shapes that are like hairpins. Now many evolutionary geologists would tell us that these types of layers of rock solidified -- or hardened -- for hundreds of millions of years BEFORE they were bent.

But we see clearly that there is an insurmountable problem with this statement. These rock layers have not been cracked. It's though they were like putty or play-dough so that they could be folded without breaking.

This obviously means that these rock layers had to be bent before they hardened. Or to be put in other words, this had to happen less than a thousand years after they were deposited.

So then, what's the answer? Our answers come from Genesis, providing the solution. Noah's global flood laid down these many rock layers just a few thousand years ago. Then sometime after the flood, while the layers were still soft, movements in the earth's crust bent the layers. Eventually, these layers hardened.

I quote Ken Ham by saying, "Those who believe in millions of years have to disregard the obvious -- the earth is young!"


Ember said...

It is sad that people will go to the most ridiculous assumptions to justify their belief that the Earth is millions of years old...these men, and women, are scientifically, VERY knowledgable, and they see that the rock formations had to be bent before they hardened, taking less than 1000 years! Yet, in pride, they cannot come to the conclusion that they are wrong! I am scared for them, especially those who claim to be Christians. Well, after i just wrote a whole lecture myself, i will say...ahem..."happy earth day" (and national jellybean day):D

Joshua James said...

April 22 was National Jelly Bean day?!!! How did I not get the memmo? Lol