I thought this might be an encouragement to some of you single girls and women out there! God's timing is always perfect! Pray for your future man daily, just as you would want him to pray for you daily! Stay pure, in thought and action, just as you would want him to stay pure and wait for you!
I don't want my man to be doing any waiting! He had better be doing some pretty serious acting. How are we ever going to get together if I'm waiting and he's waiting? Someone's got to be moving.
Interesting comment. I agree, in many instances he does need to be doing some pretty serious acting. However, I was speaking of purity. I hope we would all want our man to stay pure in thought life and actions! But yes, God uses tools, and that means many times the man needs to get on the ball. There are too many marriages happening late in life. I hope that clears things up.
I think Anna meant to say that we should not be "easy" for just any guy that walks by, but should wait for the one who is willing to work to get us (because then you know you are important to him)!
So true, Amy! We are to be patient, but that doesn't mean stagnant. And "willing to work to get us" means that he isn't going after "easy" girls and flirting with whoever comes along. I want a patient man, but I don't want a stagnant man. Hope this makes sense.
I love that word, stagnant! While we shouldn't just take the first guy that's interested, we should also not sit there, waiting for God to drop the guy on our door-step, and not be doing anything ourselves!
Interesting. I'm happy to see that there are still some good girls left out there :-)
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