Gurgling streams and laughing creeks,
Green buds in soft soil awake,
The call of wild birds on the velvety lawn,
Brings others to reside on the lake.
Daffodils, crepes, and pink-kissed buds,
Lichen and moss turn green,
Bullfrogs croke near the old well-house,
Where the picnic spread is seen.
Winter has passed, a new song is sung,
The trees come to life once more,
No more days waiting long by the fireside,
Now the seagulls call us close to the shore.
~Anna Michael~
Green buds in soft soil awake,
The call of wild birds on the velvety lawn,
Brings others to reside on the lake.
Daffodils, crepes, and pink-kissed buds,
Lichen and moss turn green,
Bullfrogs croke near the old well-house,
Where the picnic spread is seen.
Winter has passed, a new song is sung,
The trees come to life once more,
No more days waiting long by the fireside,
Now the seagulls call us close to the shore.
~Anna Michael~
I like the word "lichen".
This poem is beautiful and quite nostalgic for me, it makes me think of a certain spot on the farm, right between a creek and a pond, where a well-house sits... perfect description of spring creeping in!
Well, I guess i only wrote my comment before, never published it...maybe? Anyway, beautiful poem! It is very vivid... Aren't you absolutely, 100% Ecstatic that spring is here?! My 2nd favourite season! :D
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