Suddenly Mother turns the globe upside down again, but this time she turns the nob on the bottom of the stand. After four short winding turns the globe is set down and the glorious musick begins. The children, and Mother included, are now in awe over the snow globe world. Perhaps the man inside the globe, which standing beside the singing woman, is truly playing the beautiful musick on his accordion. The world seemed to come alive after the musick began. More enter the room to watch and listen , enraptured by this small, delicate side-table decoration. The musick continues and the snow falls along with it. Those outside the snow globe only wish they had what was inside.
How many times do passerbys stop and glance into our lives, wondering what exactly is going on? They stand and watch for some time, viewing the way we carry ourselves, how we speak to those around us, or just our everyday life. We don't notice them watching and carry on with our life... but they are there looking inside. We continue our life singing our song, writing our tale, but to what end?
Is the beautiful musick that chimed from the glorious snow globe calling out to others from inside of us? Are they now watching not only with curious eyes but watching with awe? Are they enraptured with the song that we sing, and with the tale that we tell? Is our song truly from something greater than this world?
Once we begin to play the song of righteousness and allow the beautiful, pure snow to fall about us as a covering for our sins others will no longer look on us as any other person in the world. They will look with wonder and their heart will fill with longing. No longer will they want the life they lead, but they will stare into our life of glory and realize that there is something much great, and something much bigger that is guiding and directing our walk. What a glorious way to speak to others about the joy that we have than living it through our lives!
I am awestruck at the beauty in which you described, and the wonderous amazement to which you spoke. If indeed our branch flows from Christ as his righteousness covers all that is his, then this glorious musick of which you speak will no doubt proceed forth and magnify the Lord of hosts. This was amazingly comforting as I read, and increasingly encouraging the more I read along. Thank you for your godly testimony!
Fantastic piece. Taking the first line along with the genral idea of your commentary on the whole, I wonder if we are known for turning the world upside down as the apostles did? And if so is the result beatiful?
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