"The soft breeze whispered across the water and up into the face of the young girl sitting by the brink of the Nile. Annoying honking echoed across the water and the flapping of wings was heard as the Meidum geese had been abruptly disturbed and rapidly took to flight. Mara’s eyes were intent upon the whirling of the water and the bright chuckles that laughed at her from the slapping of liquid against liquid. Shimmering sparks of sunlight darted here and there until they found their perfect spot to rest, either on the rippling water, or the swaying reeds. Mara sat contentedly near the quiet gurgling of the water, watching each insect make his way to his own unknown destination, or to sigh deeply within as the swaying of the flags and reeds tipped in the wind. A long strand of dark hair caught in the wind and was cast frivolously into the girl’s face. Mara slowly brushed it aside as if she hadn’t a care in the world, but deep within something great was booming inside her, ready to burst forth into tears and sobs."
From the book "Bondage," by Anna Michael (ch. 5, pg. 30)
What made this paragraph so enrapturing to write was that Mara's thoughts blended in with mine at the time. This young girl could find no words to describe the "sigh" that echoed in her heart at the breeze and the peaceful life on the water's of the Nile. She was so content, yet there was something tugging at her heart, allowing the reader to empathize with her feelings. It is incredible how God can place a thousand (or what seems to be a thousand) feelings in ones heart all at the same time, and only a few of those thoughts and feelings could ever be expressed outwardly. I thank my Creator for placing these beloved senses into our body, even when these feelings are so overwhelming that I practically cringe.
"Drama, I cringe!" Thanks to those who have helped me with this! You know who you are!
I cannot wait to read this book, your exerpts have me on the edge of my seat already!
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