Saturday, September 20, 2008

Weirock, A Tale of Redshift Hive

“Bar those doors, hurry, lock them tight. Get the spears and arrows from the east section and bring them up front. Take that trolley of darts back and refill their cartridges.” Captain Skie was bellowing out orders when a volley of arrows struck the wooden door with a thud. Many of the guards out front had been killed or wounded from the unexpected approach of Lord Dane’s army of eight-hundred. Captain Skie had no time to count the loss of his men, but he was sure that over ten had been slain, just from the arrows of the army without.
After some time, only the noise of rain, thunder and wind was heard out of doors. Those inside waited agitatedly for what was to come. All was silent for five minutes, as each archer strung their next arrow and each sling was re-loaded.
A young scout from up front bounced from foot to foot waiting for what was to come. His hand itched closer to the slat in the door with none around noticing. He quickly pulled the slat upwards, giving vent to the hole. Before anyone could lay their hand on him to pull him from the slat, he had succeeded in leaning up against the door and poking his eye up to the hole. Nothing was seen through the hole from the errant scout, for just as his eye popped up to the peep hole all those inside the tower could see an arrow growing out the back of the scout’s skull. He slowly crumpled to the floor. A gurgle erupted from the dying scout as blood foamed from his mouth. A trickle of green liquid dripped from the scout's eye and down the side of his face.
“Poisoned… they have poisoned arrows! The slimy maggots!” A guard cursed as he noticed the green poison issuing forth from his dead comrade's pierced eye.
“How dare he open the slat!” Captain Skie stomped across to the dead scout. “I warned you all not to do such, and now we have one less scout. You see what has happened to him, and if I catch any one of you betraying my orders I will kill you myself!” An angry yet somber salute was given by all to their Captain’s orders.

--Briar Frost, from the book "Weirock, A Tale of Redshift Hive." (Part II "A Tale of Slavery," ch. 37, Pgs. 288,289)

“He teacheth my hands to war,
So that a bow of steel is broken in mine arms.
For by thee I have run through a troop;
And by my God have I leaped over a wall.”

---Psalm 18:29, 34 (KJV)


Joshua James said...

So when will you stop teasing us with exerpts, and let us read the book?

Anna Michael said...

Hey thanks! But I don't think it is that good, that is why I only put a portion of my book in there!

Anna Michael said...

Okay, finally... I published my book, so you can go and buy it and read it for yourself!

Joy said...

Ummmm....this is like THE coolest book EVER! :)

Joy said...

By the way Josh, and everyone else, go here if you are interested in hearing the rest of this exciting adventure!

I bought mine and am eagerly awaiting its arrival in the mail! :)

Joshua James said...

I got a signed copy as soon as she published it! Now she leaves us hanging indefinatly until her next book comes out...