"Musick washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
Musick creates a variety of moods in ones body... even when unawares. Scientists have done much research on the effects musick has on a person's body. Soothing musick such as Mozart, Bach, or Chopin releases relaxing pheromones throughout the entire body, giving one a sense of relaxation, and even perhaps sleepiness. But musick directed with a quick beat, loud sounds, and a fast tempo arouses ones mind and causes our body and senses to wake up... ready to get going. Researchers claims to have interviewed more than 72,000 business professionals since 1985, and one of the things they have learned is that incorporating "good, positive music" into the workplace—whether it's audio speakers in the parking lot, musical acts at corporate events or giving ipodes to every employee—can have a dramatic, positive effect on employee productivity. So what is behind all this anyway?
God has created the musick to "calm the savage beast," as someone was once quoted. Even David in the Bible would play his harp to calm the mind and body of Saul, and his harp playing would sooth the sheep he tended. We know that God loves musick, songs are sung and played in His kingdom, and we sing praises to honour His name, therefore, "If the King loves musick, it is well with the land." Or perhaps it should be stated, "If the King's people love His musick, it is well with the land."
"Alas for those that never sing, but die with all their musick in them!"
:Give praise unto God, with prayer, thanksgiving, and song. Sing glad praises of His name throughout the earth, glorify His name in song!" --Briar Frost
Great post, question, "Alas for those that never sing, but die with all their musick in them!" Is this your quote or someone else'?
I wish that was my quote... but I went in and posted my name beside the ones that I did write... so you won't be confused, and assume that I am that good. :D I really liked that quote as well.
Who's quote was the first one? It is SO true! You find GREAT quotes! :)
Oh yes, I love that quote Amy! It is from Red Auerbach... never hear of that person, but I have their quote hanging on the back of my door, ha ha!
Red Auerbach was one of the greatest basketball coaches of all time. Lol... Truth is truth, no matter who speaks it.
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