We finally realized that our mulberry tree was a white
Asian mulberry tree. Fine by me, except that we waited too
long for them to ripen and the birds
found them before we realized our mistake
Asian mulberry tree. Fine by me, except that we waited too
long for them to ripen and the birds
found them before we realized our mistake
After this picture was taken we had the pond extended
to the other side of the fence, to the ducks great
out of date. They no longer look like cute, fuzzy
little things
Our plums did quite well. Once Belle found us picking
our fruit, she decided she would do the same
our fruit, she decided she would do the same
My garden marker is no longer visible from the
feathery, green stalks of the carrots.
They seem just about ready to harvest!
feathery, green stalks of the carrots.
They seem just about ready to harvest!
I believed this was going to be our most productive
tree until the figs and blueberries came on
tree until the figs and blueberries came on
Just as our fruit came on and our bees arrived
small, yellow flowers showed their heads
all around our yard
small, yellow flowers showed their heads
all around our yard
This garden marker has also completely disappeared
amongst the onions and cabbage
amongst the onions and cabbage
Every day a tomato or four... ready to be picked.