Scripture is the number 1 documented historical event (with eyewitnesses) in the entire world! Josephus, a Jewish historian in Rome was hired by Rome to write the history of the Jews. Rome wanted a library of history all about their superiority over all other nations. So Josephus got to work. But since he was writing about the most eye-witnessed accounts and most accurately documented accounts he did not leave out the truth of all prophecies, miracles, and the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Thalus, Flagon, Tacitus, and others in this era wrote about the same events and all that went on during the crucifixion (such as the earthquake, the eclipse for 3 hours, etc) and all of these writings were from a secular world-view. There is so much internal and external evidence. And other than the Bible the most well documented events in history are about what went on during the crucifixion!
There are over 2,000 eye-witnesses that have been martyred during A.D. 34. And there are over 25,000 extant copies of Scripture, certainly more than any other documented historical event ever! There are only 7 copies of Plato’s writings, and the earliest copy was written 900 years after his death. Aristotle: less than 50 copies, written 1,100 years after his death. Julies Caesar: 10 copies written 1,000 years after his death. The New Testament however: 5,000 + copies in Greek, 6,000 more were found 3 years ago, 10,000 in Latin, 9,300 in other languages. All of these were written within 100 years of when the New Testament’s history actually happened. That comes to a total of over 25,000. Wow!
Psalm 12:6, 7 says: "The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."
Picture above: Old Testament scroll, located in Mullah Jacob's Synagogue in Isfahan