“There’s one more thing,” Penny quickly added.
“Yeah?” Malcolm unfolded his legs, and crossed them in reverse.
“Seamus, he has a tattoo on his wrist,” Penny pointed to the section on her wrist she had seen Seamus’s tattoo. “Do you know what that’s about?”
“Oh yeah,” Malcolm gave a boyish grin and squinted at the sunlight streaking through the trees. “It’s a small black thing that looks a bit like a strange scepter or something, doesn’t it?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“Yeah, well I asked him about it some time ago,” Malcolm began shuffling through the magazines at his side.
“And?” Penny widened her eyes.
“It has something to do with… this!” Malcolm pulled one of the magazines from the pile and held it aloft.
Penny read the cover aloud, “Ambrose, and the Holy Grail?”
“That’s right,” Malcolm scratched his arm where a ladybird had just flown from. “Seamus said his tattoo was the Scepter of the Triple Deity.” He noted the confused look on Penny’s attractive face, “yeah, it got me too. Well, how much do you know about the Holy Grail?”
“Not much, just bits and pieces I’ve picked up along the way in reading.”
“Well, the great alchemist, Ambrose, built a temple to protect all the female deities and the Holy Grail itself.” He flipped through the magazine. After finding the right picture he handed it to Penny and began to explain what she was looking at, “the temple was supposedly 100 fathoms in diameter, surrounded by 72 chapels of blue sapphire and emeralds. And in the center of the building, under the dome, is where the holy vessel is kept, the cauldron of regeneration. Ambrose made three artifacts to symbolize the Mother goddess and decided to disperse them across Europe. You have to have all three together to point the way to the temple. Diana’s Mirror, the Scepter of the Triple Deity, and the Holy Rose itself.”
Penny ran her finger across the pictured dome, “so, why the Scepter of the Triple Deity?”
Malcolm smiled, “Seamus claims he’s already found Diana’s Mirror.”
From, Water of the Woods, pgs. 52 & 53, by Anna Michael
Something always questioned is beginning to unfold in chapter seven of Water of the Woods. What relics have been uncovered that may give us extra hints about ancient time? Seamus William, the housekeeper and gardener for mansion de Oviedo, claims he has found Diana's Mirror. The young Prendergrast girl is determined to find out the truth behind the mysteries that go deeper than the Holy Grail itself.