Nature is full of artistic inspirations. And this time of year there is so much to enjoy, whether it be in sitting and watching nature slowly fade and fall into it's deep, long slumber, or watching the new creations bloom right in front of you. New birds follow up behind the summer birds who are now retreating into their summer-land of tranquility. What many call harsh and unrelenting I call beautiful and alive. Winter, Autumn's friend, and a new awakening of things so easily forgotten in the long days of Summer. God's creation is so easily portrayed through each season. The unique design of a snowflake baffles even the greatest scientist. How can each snowflake have its own design and lacing? It's very own fingerprint pasted right in the interwoven particles of powdered snow! God forgets not even the smallest of snowflakes, His promise is that His care will never be taken from His children. Luke 12:28 states, "If God so clothe the grass, which is today in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?" God truly clothes the grass. Each individual dew drop, every silver snowflake, and all the mist that shrouds the ground is ordered and placed by God's own hand. Romans 1:20 so clearly explains God's creation throughout all the earth, "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" How true, "they are without excuse." Romans 1:20-32 speaks clearly of those who have turned to their own desires and become vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart is darkened. Men, professing themselves to be wise, become foolish. They change the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image like corruptable man, and all manner of fourfooted beasts, and birds, and creeping things. They begin to worship the creature rather than the Creator. Oh how foolish and blind men are, that they would only open their eyes to see the magnificence of God's almighty glory. They were created in His likeness, for His glory, and so quickly will they betray their master and begin following the father of lies. Sin is our nature! Thank God for opening our eyes to our haughty state and showing us where we have become completely foolish and vain in all ways. Thank God for giving us repentance and life, and for placing all of His perfect glory in us! This time of year has made me truly thankful for what God has given me! I look back at the many years I spent vainly in idle time and thank God that I have many more years to spend my time wisely. I am eager to learn about my Saviour above all else, and in all that I do I desire to find good in it and to find the ways that God has blessed me and given me ways to share His magnificence with others. The glory and beauty of the fading Autumnal nature is everywhere right now. A few days ago I decided to find unique beauties around our yard and take snapshots of them. My amazement wasn't from the great mega pixels my camera has but of the small, unnoticed splendor here and there. Thankful though, that my camera does have nice mega pixels I decided to share a few with you and let you see the loveliness of the small things we take for granted. This picture reminded me of the simplistic attraction of Winter. The rough bark of the tree is a stark contrast to the empty stillness above. How bare the upper world seems and how large and blue the sky stretches when Winter arrives:
The elegant, velvet designed mushroom growing from the side of this tree shows God's special care for each piece of nature. The delicate leaf-like pattern almost resembles the wing of a moth. And the small, soft texture of moss lines the coloured stripes across this unique fungi.
Though Winter is upon us, the feel and smell of gritty sand is still just as alluring. Mingled with leaves, tufts of grass, pebbles, and yes, acorn tops, sand is that part of nature we can't do without. Normally our thoughts of sand come with warm, powdery softness. But around this time of year the cold, damp sand that we mold with our hands seems to come to mind more quickly.
And lastly, my favourite, is the old, gnarled stump. Wet with recent rainfall wild mushrooms have found a lovely abode amidst the cracks and crags of this ancient wood. A lovely Autumn leaf resides in the background to enhance the colour. Soft, white fungi grows up the twisted stalk of the first mushroom, while other small caps appear in the distance.
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