How can one explain this title and even begin to touch the first spots of it all? A cup of tea and a book? For those of you who are wondering what I mean by this, I hope you will find a bit of reality splashed in with imagination after this post. But for those of you who are already in this beautiful world of serenity, read on.
"Writers are first of all readers-- avid, life-long readers who consume books the way other people do hamburgers or beer. As children we crave the cool silence of libraries and Summer afternoons draped over an armchair, the hours we spend suspended between the real world and the one we hold between our two sweaty hands. We covet the feel of books, their rigid covers and the pages that blow in the breeze. When our eyes scan a book we've just borrowed or bought, we writers feel buoyed with anticipations, hopeful, and content." --- Sharon Oard Warner
This statement was found one day and just had to be posted in my room. Something about writing, something about reading, something about that deep and earthy aroma of a cup of your favourite tea brings back so many memories that you had either forgotten, or ones that have never played apart in your life. My best friend once wrote something about this exact topic, I truly wish I could bring it into words as well as she.
The feel of the page, the smell of the publisher's ink, the slant of the page, the rough cover in your hands blended with the warm clay pressed up against the palm of your hands, the warm steam blurring your eager eyes, the tempting and sleepy aroma of that perfect tea, the box sitting by with that exciting quote pasted on the side, and the feel of the smooth liquid draining down your throat creates a world unexplainable.
With as many parables and examples that Jesus came up with and told to listening crowds I am sure He understands the incredible feel that one possesses as these things pass through our senses. He has given us amazing imaginations and awesome minds, perhaps this Utopian feel is just a glimpse of what we are to look forward to after death as Christians. God gave us our senses, our minds, and our imaginations for a reason, and if we use these means in glorifying His name we should be thankful to Him for allowing us to have this precious time with "A cup of tea and a book!"